Tall Tales with Taco Bell podcast

“The Swede” Heart Break Ridge with Pete Koch

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Swede, Swede, Swede, Swede!!!! For my 50th Podcast Tuesday the 14th at 7pm CST (1900), it’s a real honor to have Pete Koch join me on Tall Tales with Taco!  He is going to talk about his time on a little movie that Marines love to quote, Heartbreak Ridge with Clint Eastwood.  At the time, Pete was a defensive end for the Kansas City Chiefs when he made his first venture into Hollywood.  He’ll tell us about his time on set and his short stint as a “Recon Marine” and how this morphed into the classic character that we all love, Swede Johanson!!

Please share this with your fellow Marine as I’ll take some questions at the end of this live show for Pete.  If you don’t catch it live, it’s recorded on Facebook and YouTube, just google Tall Tales with Taco, hit subscribe for updates on future shows and hit the bell on Youtube as well.  Look forward to having you join on Tuesday!
Semper Fi Taco

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