Six Degrees of Miles podcast

Six Degrees Of Miles Season 2 Ep. #16 Melvin Davis, Jr.

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I met Melvin Davis, Jr. in 1998/99 while working in the television industry. He had a passion for cameras and quickly became top tier in media as a camera man and as an audio engineer. He walks us through his career while dropping jewels of taking risks for himself and his family, at times when he could have become complacent. When layoffs abruptly interrupted his television career, Melvin explains how designing a tribute letterman jacket changed the trajectory of his career and started his prosperous company, MDJ Originals. Listen to his inspirational story and the jewels he drops on how networking and utilizing relationships kick started his new venture and career. #LettermanJackets #HBCU #KenyaBarris #LilJon #DJMars #BryanBarber #ChakaZulu #Ludacris #DeionSanders #CoachPrime #CarlBanks #MDJOriginals #SixDegreesOfMiles #RighteousMusicMedia

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