Troy Hightower is one of the premier mix engineers in the Music Industry. His Humble Beginnings began with being at the right place at the right time and implementing what he knew how to do best: his gift of gab combined with all out hustle. Listen to how he started in the business with his first song that he mixed, “Throw Ya Gunz” by Onyx… And how that lead to his illustrious career of mix engineering almost every major hit in the 90’s and beyond… His story shows that all dreams can be accomplished when you really want it… Hustle Hard… #Mixbymail #HightowerProductions #SixDegreesOfMiles #RighteousMusicMedia True Transparency: We had technical difficulties in recording Troy’s podcast with 10 minutes to go. So I picked up where we left off and added a surprise special guest to the podcast. Please enjoy the conclusion of SDOM with Mix Engineer Troy Hightower… #Mixbymail #HightowerProductions #SixDegreesOfMiles #RighteousMusicMedia
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