Bros Once Loyal podcast

B1L23: Hefty Blades of Grey [Grey Knights Part 2]

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Prepare to digress in part two of our Grey Knights discussion! 

Link to all the images we reference:

00:00 Opening Theme 00:39 Hefty Blades of Grey 58:30 Outro

MUSIC 00:00 The Samsara Project - Main Menu [Final Liberation] 24:40 Mick Gordon - At Doom's Gate [DOOM] 35:00 Yuka Kitamura - Pontiff Sulyvahn [Dark Souls III] 42:19 Junichi Masuda - Battle (Wild Pokémon) [Pokémon RBY] 42:46 Junichi Masuda - Victory (Wild Pokémon) [Pokémon RBY] 58:12 Jason Whitely - Debriefing [Space Hulk]

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