WTR Sustainable Investing Surveyor Podcast podkast

Arq, Inc. CEO Bob Rasmus on the transformation of the company and the outlook for growth in new markets

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

CEO Bob Rasmus, who joined the company 11 months ago, talks about the recent transformation of the company through the merger of Advance Emissions Solutions (NASDAQ: ADES) and UK based Arq and its strategic shift to producing higher margin Granular Activated Carbon. He discusses how today Arq is a vertically integrated activated carbon producer working to provide innovative environmental solutions for a cleaner future.  The company is focused on improving its foundational and cash generating Powered Activated Carbon business through improved operations, better contracting terms and penetrating new markets while using it as a springboard into the higher growth and more profitable granulated active carbon markets. 

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