Women Without Kids podkast

Evolutions in Sex Ed. with Justine Ang Fonte

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

It's time to teach kids about human sexuality beyond the procreative act, says sexuality educator, Justine Ang Fonte. In the episode we discuss:

-Why sexuality education tends to reduce our bodies to their reproductive function - and what is problematic about this 

-Why human sexuality is equally about pleasure, intimacy, agency, and personal power, and how to talk to kids about these things

-Justine’s introduction to teaching sex ed and why she’s so passionate about enacting reform in this area

-Why all non-procreative sex - including queer sex, masturbation, and sex work - is still so stigmatized 

-Why we can’t have a real conversation about consent without centering pleasure - since consent begins with asking, “does this feel good?” 

-Why male sexual entitlement stems from the notion that women’s bodies belong first and foremost to society as the means of reproduction 

-Why talking about a “gender-full” world is part of dismantling reductive gender roles in the realm of human sexuality 

-The role of intimacy education and teaching about healthy relationships in the context of sex ed. 

-Why Justine does not expect to see a truly sexually liberated society in her lifetime - and why this won’t stop her continuing to work towards this 

You can learn more about Justine and her work HERE and follow her on Instagram @imjustineaf

You can also pre-order your copy of Women Without Kids: The Revolutionary Rise of an Unsung Sisterhood HERE—and enter your order details to receive a free reading group guide for the book

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