Wellness with Jamie Brannan podkast

Harnessing the Healing Power of Horses for Mental Health with Jen Grant, Jessica Normand, and Lynn Thomas

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

From mental health professionals to horse enthusiasts, many have long known the incredibly powerful bond between humans and horses. Join Jen Grant, Jessica Normand, and Lynn Thomas to learn about their groundbreaking campaign that sheds light on the powerful healing potential of horses in mental health treatment and personal growth.

Their conversation with Jamie focuses on:

  • Uncovering the positive effects of horse-based services on mental health recovery.
  • Gaining insight into how equine-assisted services can help individuals facing mental health challenges.
  • The necessity of maintaining high welfare standards for horses involved in mental health programs
  • The importance of evidence-based research for supporting the use of equine-assisted services in human health
  • Highlighting the value of cooperation, educating service providers, and promoting fair access to these services.

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