The Strategic L&D Podcast podkast

Strategic L&D – Aims, goals and the best way to get there

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In this episode, we welcome Michelle Parry-Slater – L&D Director for Kairos Modern Learning and author of ‘The Learning and Development Handbook’. Michelle and Blake discuss building a productive learning culture, how to play into an engaged audience before intervention, and the power of trust and vulnerability in L&D to deliver business impact. You can learn more about Kairos Modern Learning here: You can also check out Michelle’s book here: -- The Strategic L&D Podcast ventures through what L&D key opinion leaders are doing today to ensure they are delivering a strategically impactful L&D function. It covers everything from aligning learning strategy to business strategy, what learning strategies best remedy identified organisation under-performance, how to execute on leading practices in L&D strategy and how to ensure L&D is seen as a strategic partner to the business. Subscribe to stay up to date with the latest podcast releases.

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