The Story podkast

Season 08 Trailer

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

The Story is back for its eighth season, and this time we are joined by guest narrator Alec Baldwin! 

In honor of Military Appreciation Month, this season uncovers the little known backstories of eight veterans who have built companies, products, and brands that have changed the way we live. 

In each episode, Alec shares the painful, inspiring, and breakthrough moments of military heroes whose lives have shaped culture as we know it. From business titans and groundbreaking explorers, to famous actors and government spies, you won’t want to miss these stories. 

The Story is brought to you exclusively by Salesforce, the world’s #1 customer relationship management platform. More than one hundred and fifty thousand businesses are using Salesforce to blaze their own trails to success. You can learn more at

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