The Starseed Mission Podcast podkast

18. Creation Sexuality & Manifestation

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Oh My Garden, this is my favorite thing to talk about.  Creation Sexuality.  The original state and purpose of our sexual energy.  We'll take a dive into why disturbing distortions, shame, and taboo exist around this subject in our society today, how that traps you inside of a slave matrix, and how to Liberate and Sanctify your Sexual Energy in order to Co-Create with Source (and save the world).

We'll dive into multidimensional sex abuse, abductions, false hybrid agendas, past life curses, vows, and soul binds.

Gridwork Healing & Clearing at the end of the episode:
(Timestamp: 1:03:50)
We complete this transmission with a ceremony in clearing these imprints in our energy bodies, so you can access your body's Power House, your Divine Creation Sexual Energy!

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