The Sound of Economics podkast

20 years of improving economic policy: story of Bruegel, story of Europe

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
In this episode of The Sound of Economics, host Rebecca Christie speaks with Bruegel’s first Director and co-founder, Jean Pisani-Ferry, Senior fellow and co-founder Nicolas Véron, and Board member Caroline de Gruyter on the occasion of the think tank’s 20th anniversary. Their conversation takes us on a journey that spans fateful lunches and parliamentary dramas, choosing a location and funding model, and key inspirations from across the pond. Aside from being the story of Bruegel, it doubles as a story of Europe: how have different parts of the continent worked together over the two decades? What was the gap that Bruegel filled? And finally, did you know that one works for a think-tank if one wishes to change the world? 

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