The Soul Medicine Podcast podkast

Prayer - 2 New Insights

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Apologies for the sound quality - my mic was not connecting properly to my computer.


In this episode I share two insights i pulled from Marianne Williamson's book, A Return to Love (based on her interpretation of A Course in Miracles).

The first insight is this - pray for a shift in perception.  Let go of trying to control outcomes.  We don't even know what will make us happy, so instead of praying for the outcome that you think leads to happiness, pray for a shift in perception that will move you into a state of happiness (or whatever it is that you seek).


The second insight is this - let prayer be a way of life instead of a response to turmoil.  Marianne Williamson brilliantly suggests we live in the realm of the answer instead of constantly returning to the realm of the problem.


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