The Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation Podcast podkast

#249 - The 10 Characteristics of Success in Social Entrepreneurship

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

What does success mean to you? Defining success in a field can define the field. Defining success for ourselves will define our lives. And so here, friend and coach of mine, Paul Zelizer and I go through the essential exercise of defining what to each of us makes for a successful social entrepreneur. Paul is a business coach for social entrepreneurs and host of the Awarepreneurs Podcast where he’s published over 300 episodes with deep-dive interviews with world-class social entrepreneurs. Here we have a unique style of show for you, where back and forth, Paul and me reveal each of our own Top 5 characteristics of success in social entrepreneurship. Before we recorded the conversation you’re about to hear, we each created our own lists (with no knowledge of the other’s list) to see collectively what sort of definition we might come up with for what it means, what it looks like to be a “successful social entrepreneur.” This same conversation, in a slightly different final edit, is likewise being released on Paul’s show, Awarepreneurs—which, if you’re curious to check out you can go to, or, search for the show wherever you get your podcasts. So, in this episode here, on The Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation Podcast with me, Cory Ames as your host, you’ll hear Paul’s origin story to social entrepreneurship and then, together, our 10 Characteristics of Successful Social Entrepreneurs. #socialentrepreneurship #socialentrepreneurs #socialentrepreneur


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💌 The Weekly ensemble: The ensemble Weekly is a weekly newsletter exploring the art of living and working sustainably written and published by Grow Ensemble Founder and Podcast Host, Cory Ames.

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