The Rising Man Podcast podkast

MMM 318 - What's More Valuable Than Food & Water?

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Jeddy Azuma explores the idea that relationships and skills are even more valuable than food and water. He emphasizes that while food and water are essential for survival, relationships and skills are the means by which we obtain and sustain these necessities. Relationships, built on trust, are fundamental to networking and support systems. Skills, developed through practice and curiosity, are crucial for contributing to and thriving in a community. 

Rising Man Links:

The Brotherhood || The Rising Man’s online community - FREE to join for any man interested in brotherhood, connection, and purpose. Featuring weekly community calls + sharing prompts!

Instagram || @risingmanmovement & @jeddyazuma

YouTube || The Rising Man Movement

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