The Podcast podkast

213: Michael’s Weekly Template

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Hello The Podcast listeners, as you know Radek and I are no longer recording this podcast, but I am still podcasting at - which I'm recording every two weeks with my Nozbe team


Team Productivity Show

Feel free to subscribe to one or both of these podcasts using the links in the show notes to this episode.

To make up for our silence today as a bonus I'm giving you a short podcast episode about a topic much related to what me and Radek have discussed earlier on this show.

Today's episode is a deep dive discussion between NotebookLM co-hosts about my essay called

Weekly Template

which you can read at:

If you liked this episode, please rate it on Podcasts and send it to anyone of your friends or colleagues who would benefit from a more structured week.

Bonus: get $30 of credits for Nozbe Premium if you sign up at

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