Our Strange Skies: UFOs Throughout History podkast

The Hum and the Silence, Vol 20: The Pennine Addendum

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
On this installment of The Hum and the Silence Jenny Randles gets into an altercation with Peter Robertson, and we look at an article featuring a fae encounter connected to Randles' book The Pennine UFO Mystery

Special thanks to thePelican on Twitter for pointing me towards the Randles/Rogerson commentaries.

Magonia 13 1983

Magonia 14 1983

“Believing Is Seeing: A question of perception” by Janet Bord, Flying Saucer Review, V 20 N 6, November-December 1974

Theme song:
"Ufo" by Floats, available on Soundcloud, iTunes and Spotify

Logo designed by Megan Lagerberg

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