The LoveWell Podcast podkast

Ep. 18 - Jess' Story

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In this episode, Jess shares her story of intersection of growing up as a second and third generation Mexican-American.

Jessica Galván is a passionate writer, editor, storyteller and advocate whose cultural roots run deep as a daughter and granddaughter to Mexican immigrants. Her mission of amplifying diverse voices to reveal the beauty of God’s creation extends to her work as a content writer for World Relief and Editorial Director for Chasing Justice.

She is also a freelance writer and editor for a variety of clients in publishing, most recently Penguin Random House, where she champions for more varied Latino stories to fill our bookshelves. 

Originally from Chicago, Jess currently resides in the Houston, TX area and when she isn’t wordsmithing for the pursuit of faith and justice, she is spending time with her husband and their 3 children.

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