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Jay Rayner and his panel of food fanatics are in Gloucester for this week’s episode. Joining Jay are materials expert Zoe Laughlin, food writer Lerato Umah-Shaylor, and chefs Rob Owen Brown and Angela Gray.

The panel discuss the how to make the perfect scratchings, the food they’d happily throw down a hill, and the most adventurous ice cream flavours they've endeavoured to make.

Materials expert Dr Zoe Laughin gets to the bottom of the question 'do we get more ice cream in a tub or on a cone?'. And Jay chats to Will Lee from Gloucester’s Wholly Gelato, about the best tips and tricks for making ice cream.

Producer: Dan Cocker Assistant Producer: Dulcie Whadcock Executive Producer: Ollie Wilson A Somethin’ Else production for BBC Radio 4

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