The Island of Brilliant! podkast

Chris Haughton & Spellow Library

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

A very special, dare we say unmissable, episode in lots of ways. Not only does Chris Haughton, the genius behind such books as 'Shh!', 'A Bit Lost' and 'Don't Worry, Little Crab' join us on the island and prove himself to be the most charming and brilliant of guests, Frank also shares a letter he was sent after the devastating arson attack on  Liverpool's Spellow Library during the riots. It's a letter that is both the story of a life and a testament to the enormous power of public spaces and their capacity to offer a beacon of light in the darkness. We also hear from Alex McCormick, the woman who set up the Go Fund Me page that she hoped would raise £500.00 to help restore Spellow Lane. At the time of writing it has already raised £250,000.  And in case that's not enough, Frank and Nadia get into it over which Simpsons character they most closely resemble. They've been on the island too long, some might say...

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