The Impact Lounge by SixDegrees.Org podkast

The Importance of Introspection

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Episode 03 of The Impact Lounge features special guest Justin Michael Williams, an author, transformational speaker, and top-20 recording artist. From growing up with gunshot holes outside of his bedroom window, to sharing the stage with Marianne Williamson and Deepak Chopra, Justin knows well the power of healing to overcome. This dynamic millennial who grew up marginalized in almost every way teaches meditation as a means of self-empowerment to those who need it most. But he’s not your grandma’s guru. In breaking the meditation mold, he shows others how to break free from the past and take action to create a new future. He has been featured by The Wall Street Journal,, Yoga Journal,, The Root, and South by Southwest®. With his groundbreaking new book Stay Woke, and over a decade of teaching experience, Justin has become a pioneering voice for diversity and inclusion in wellness.

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