The GP Show podkast

#191 Future of Nutrition Science with Dr Flavia Fayet-Moore

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Dr Flavia Fayet-Moore is a Brazilian-born, Canadian-raised, Australian-made keynote speaker, scientist, space nutritionist and entrepreneur.   An alumna of the University of Toronto, she earned an Honours Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences, followed by a Master of Nutrition and Dietetics and a PhD from the University of Sydney. She is also a Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine.  Dr Flavia completed the Space Studies Program at the International Space University, bringing a unique perspective to space nutrition.  She is the founder and CEO of FOODiQ Global, which leads game-changing research, communication and education that provides strategic and meaningful impact on people’s health.  She is also the co-founder of Food is Cool, where nutrition in schools is done differently.

Dr Flav website

FOODiQ Global

Food is Cool


YouTube: Using lifestyle as medicine: A new era in chronic disease remission

Interested in addressing the lifestyle and social determinants of illness and wellbeing?  Check out the JCU postgraduate courses: Grad CertGrad Diploma, and Master in Lifestyle Medicine including social prescribing, health coaching and implementation science.

Our 3 week online microcredential in Lifestyle Medicine and Mental Health: Life and Mind available here.  

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