The Deep Dive with Renee Blundon podkast

008: A Relaxation Mental Training Technique to Help Lower Stress & Anxiety

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

As a freediver who battles with anxiety attacks, I am constantly inventing and testing-out new methods for mental training, especially for relaxation, because the more relaxed you are, the longer you can hold your breath!

In this podcast episode, I'll talk about a relaxation breathing and mental training technique that can help massively to lower anxiety and train the mind to be more relaxed in stressful situations and just in life in general.

It's a technique I use for freediving but anyone can benefit from it, whether you're an athlete, in the military, or if you're a performer, an actor or musician, if you're someone with a stressful job or if you're preparing for a business meeting. Either way it works the same, it builds something in your mind, that you can use in stressful situations to become more relaxed. And you can do this right at home just laying down on a yoga mat.

I can also personally confirm that the combination of short breath-holds, complete relaxation and concentration / mindfulness generates a sensation of euphoria and rapture, which creates mental clarity that may rest in the body for hours or even days after a session!

Time Stamps:

  • 00:00 Introduction to this episode
  • 01:30 Podcast intro
  • 03:05 Why are we doing this - the Effects of Stress
  • 08:10 What we will do in this session?
  • 09:20 Recap of the relaxation breathing technique
  • 11:00 Adding the mental relaxation breathing
  • 18:30 Conclusion

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