The Fishing Gurus Podcast podkast

#047 - Sandra Scotthorne Christmas Special

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Get ready for the ultimate Christmas treat! For the first time ever, The Guru Podcast features a female guest, and we couldn't be more thrilled to welcome the incredible Sandra Scotthorne! A true trailblazer in the angling world, Sandra has redefined the sport with her jaw-dropping achievements, such as double Ladies World Champion and four-time Ladies Fish'O'Mania Champion, to name but a few. 

Sandra is also the mastermind behind Halkon Hunt, the gold standard in angling-specific clothing, which has now developed into Europe's leading bespoke angling clothing company. In this festive and groundbreaking episode, we dive into Sandra's legendary career, passion for innovation, and the stories behind her phenomenal success. So, grab your hot chocolate, pull on your Christmas jumper, and settle in for a podcast full of laughter, wisdom, and epic angling anecdotes. 

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