The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming podkast

Word patterns disprove "headship" theories. Part 4 with Zach and Bruce.

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

"Headship" isn't taught in the Bible and all the arguments in favor of it turn out to be weak arguments. So let's focus on what the Bible IS teaching us. At first, Zach returns to "headship" theories but Bruce redirects the discussion to the word patterns in Ephesians 5-6. 

Bruce takes Zach to Ephesians 6:1-4. There they discuss not only the parallels with the Ten Commandments (Honor your father and mother) but also Leviticus 19:3 (Each of you shall fear his mother and father).

There is much more in Ephesians 5:15-6:9 to look at. We recommend our book Beyond Eden, Ephesians 5:15-6:9, the Great Mystery revealed: Mutually Submitting in Christ. It is available as an audiobook on Audible and as an eBook and paperback from Amazon

Link to our interview with Andrew Bartlett: 

 The Tru316 Foundation ( is the home of The Eden Podcast with Bruce C. E. Fleming where we “true” the verse of Genesis 3:16. The Tru316 Message is that “God didn’t curse Eve (or Adam) or limit woman in any way.” Once Genesis 3:16 is made clear the other passages on women and men become clear too. You are encouraged to access the episodes of Seasons 1-11 of The Eden Podcast for teaching on the seven key passages on women and men. Are you a reader? We invite you to get from Amazon the four books by Bruce C. E. Fleming in The Eden Book Series ( Would you like to support the work of the Tru316 Foundation? You can become a Tru Partner here:

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