The Dice Tower podkast

At The Table with The Dice Tower - Table For Three

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Tom and Eric learn that they've known Julie longer than they remember. Then, we discuss the ways local game stores recoup the cost of the play space they provide. We delve into a new Tale of Boardgaming Horror, and we close the show with our latest Roses, Thorns, and Hula Hoops.

00:44 - Announcements: Dice Tower West

03:06 - Tom, Julie, and Eric's First Meeting

03:56 - Table Space at Your Local Store

27:06 - Tale of Boardgaming Horror

36:20 - King of Tokyo Duel

40:07 - Spotlight

43:34 - Vampire Village

47:20 - Lure

49:05 - HiFi

51:41 - Gardlings

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