The Courage, Coaching and Counseling Podcast with Sovann Pen podkast

Mark Pollock: Anxiety, Spiritual Direction and a Peace Plan Part 2

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Mark Pollock is my guest for episodes 75 of The Courage, Coaching and Counseling Podcast.

You can listen to Part 1 of the interview here.

You can watch Part 1 here.

Mark Pollock is a retired Mental Health Therapist and Pastor recently transitioning from Oregon to South Carolina where he lives with his wife Robyn and near his two sons and their families. His primary areas of experience have centered around the support of at-risk youth and helping the local church grow in its healthy spiritual development.

He is currently receiving training through the Soul Shepherding Institute to serve as a Spiritual Director with a focus on care for pastors and other church leaders, inner healing and congregational unity and maturation."

You can read the outline of his Peace Plan here:


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