The Courage, Coaching and Counseling Podcast with Sovann Pen podkast

71 Summer Krause Treating Teen PTSD & Addiction with the Seeking Safety Adolescent Toolkit

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Summer Krause is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor III and Certified Clinical Trauma Professional who began using Seeking Safety in 2005 at a residential treatment center for youth and continues to use the model in her Portland, Oregon counseling practice. Summer is married with two children. She was inspired to enter the counseling field after volunteering as a chaplain in juvenile detention centers for many years. In partnership with Seeking Safety author, Dr. Lisa Najavits, Summer provides training and consultation in treatment for trauma and addiction.

She has also co-authored the Seeking Safety Christian Faith-Based Guide with Risa Hobson LPC.

Summer and Risa were guests on episode 29.

For more info and to order:

Seeking Safety Christian Faith-Based Guide

Seeking Safety Adolescent Tool Kit

Summer's counseling practice site

You can watch this episode and subscribe to the podcast on YouTube.

I write more about counseling, marriage, and parenting on my blog:


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