The Concept2 Workout Podcast podkast

Self Propulsion Laboratory - Long RowErg - Final Episode

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Final Episode: We're going to test the different environments we can work out in by playing around with our RowErg's damper setting. We'll simulate rowing through water of varying conditions — from easy-going to thick mud.   Farewell for Now: This is our final episode of As the Flywheel Spins. We are leaving you with more than 100 workouts, and we hope you'll continue to use this podcast to keep you motivated and moving. Let's stay connected! Follow Coach Cady on Instagram @hart.cady.    Total Workout Time: 1 hour with 15 minute warmup Programming starts at [4:22] Warmup starts at [6:25]   Warmup: 10 intervals at a 24 stroke rate with varying damper settings.   Workout: 8 six-minute intervals at varying or consistent stroke rates and damper settings at 8, 2, 7 and 3. Two minutes of rest between each interval.   Want to Learn or Practice the Basics of Rowing on the Concept2 RowErg?  As The Flywheel Spins "Row Basics"   Please read the following before participating. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY and USE AT YOUR OWN RISK

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