The Boardroom Buzz Pest Control Podcast podkast

Episode 186 — Stop Selling with Mark Stewart

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Patrick and Nick step into The Boardroom with Mark Stewart, consultant, sales coach, and author of Stop Selling, to uncover how businesses can get the most out of their sales teams. Mark has experience helping companies double and even triple in size and keep the same talented people. They dive into what makes the next generation of employees tick, sharing unique tips and tricks for hiring them and keeping them motivated. Once you've recruited this workforce, how do you take them to the next level and mentor them to greatness? Fat Pat and Nick challenge Mark with some curveballs, and you'll appreciate the insights he shares from his personal experience.

Mark highlights the importance of empathy and understanding in the future workplace, especially in sales roles. Forget about just being a boss - today's employees need mentors who can help them grow, both in their careers and as individuals. With the right guidance, they can experience less stress and more success, finding clarity in their professional and personal paths. To make mentorship a natural part of your leadership, create a culture of continuous development where mentoring is an ongoing practice, not just a one-time event. So, how can companies adapt to this more human-centered approach and set themselves up for long-term success? 

Go pick up a copy of Mark’s new book at

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