The Alame Podcast: Change Your Company podkast

80. Transformative Leadership: Harley's Revival - Ken Schmidt

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

A very special episode with Ken Schmidt who is one of the business world’s most demanded executive advisors and speakers. It explores how Harley-Davidson's former CEO, Richard Teerlink, revitalized the iconic brand through bold leadership and strategic innovation. Some of the key takeaways:

​Effective leadership can drive sustainability and innovation in a company.

  • ​Successful turnarounds often involve integrating eco-friendly practices and updating the company’s image.
  • ​Strategic focus on new market opportunities and customer engagement is crucial for revitalization.
  • ​Visionary leadership can significantly impact the revival of established brands.

These and much more in this special episode.

Until the next episode, stay INSPIRED and make the biggest difference in your area of responsibility and beyond. For any inquiries, please contact [email protected]

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