The 1Hope4America Podcast podkast

A Conversation with John Taylor

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

John and Cindi live to see God’s kingdom come and true worship arise from the “uttermost parts of the earth.” They had the privilege of serving for 15 years among an unreached people group in the Himalayas where they brought God’s kingdom in love, truth, and power. Passionate about missions, the Taylors continue to raise up national leaders in emerging indigenous churches—equipping, empowering, and sending them out as burning ones into the darkness. Out of a deep heart for the oppressed and the poor, they birth and provide mentorship for transformational businesses, which carry the kingdom into all facets of society. As arsons of the heart, the Taylors are mobilizing a fresh, Moravian-like movement of flaming arrows to go to the least-reached peoples and the most Gospel-neglected places on the planet. They long to see the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His sufferings amongst all peoples.

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