That Remote Life | Interviews with Digital Nomads and Location Independent Entrepreneurs podkast

How to Find a Remote Job and Fast Forward to Freedom with Jordan Carroll

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Today on the podcast, Mitko is joined by Jordan Carroll, one of the top remote work recruiters and the author of the new book “Remote For Life: How to Find a Flexible Job & Fast Forward to Freedom”.

During this interview Jordan shared why he decided to write his new book, why networking is so important and how to become a master at it in a remote setting, how to use the 555 LinkedIn technique to increase your reach, what role freelancing plays in the economy of the future, and much more! 

💬  Topics Discussed:

  • How does Jordan feel after publishing his first book?
  • Keeping focused and having tunnel vision
  • Why did Jordan decide to write a book at this stage in his career?
  • What was the impact of COVID on the remote working space?
  • What does professional networking mean?
  • Networking as a remote worker
  • Developing and fostering your networking skills
  • Using your network to your advantage
  • Exercises to improve your networking skills
  • Using LinkedIn to efficiently connect to people and companies
  • The 5 by 5 by 5 technique
  • Contacting people in a company when applying for a job
  • Being creative during the hiring process
  • Jordan’s formula for building and growing your personal brand
  • Ways people can show off their skills and creativity
  • Efficient approaches to job searching
  • Leveraging your brand and working to your advantage
  • Transitioning from being an entrepreneur to working at a company
  • Does the job market favor people who have a more developed entrepreneur mindset?
  • What role does freelancing play in the job market going forward?
  • Having brand name backing of your personal brand
  • Parts of his book that Jordan really wants his readers to focus on
  • Improving your mindset and believing in your abilities

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