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I believe that when God brings you to a Red Sea moment in your life, He’s going to part it. We serve the God of miracles, and He’s still working miracles every single day. And no matter what it is you’re facing, He has a plan to bring you back to His goodness. The pain you feel, the heartache you’re enduring, the loneliness and depression and sadness… not one bit of it will be wasted in the story God is writing – I promise you.


Thank you to my two incredible sponsors for this season of the Still Coloring podcast: Bark Technologies and Dwell Differently! Y'all go check them out. 

Bark Technology – The Bark Phone for Kids starts at $39/month and was named a Best Invention of 2023 by TIME Magazine! Bark has an app for device monitoring, too. 

DwellDifferently.com – Use the code TONI for your first month of scripture-memorization resources FREE!

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Connect with Toni: 
Personal Instagram | Broken Crayons Instagram | Facebook
Newsletter: ToniJCollier.com/Newsletter
Website: ToniJCollier.com
Purchase Toni’s children’s book: Broken Crayons Still Color
Purchase Toni’s book: Brave Enough to be Broken

Want to partner with Toni or advertise on the podcast? Reach out here.

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