Startup Island TAIWAN Podcast podkast

S2 EP16 : Love what you do, but don't be in love! Why Bruce Bateman returned to the startup ecosystem for energy technology

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

We had the pleasure of speaking with Bruce, a serial entrepreneur and advisor, who returned to the energy technology startup scene after retiring three times. Through his extensive international experience, he shared with us insights into different cultures and business practices. Additionally, Bruce shared interesting case examples and ideas, including topics like energy and the carbon future , while discussing his process of assisting corporations and startups.

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Host: Chi Ko & Wendy from Meet Global
Guest: Bruce Bateman, VP APAC and Co-Founder of Zero Carbon Future

Powered by Startup Island TAIWAN 
Directed by National Development Council 
Produced by Meet Global by Business Next Media 

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