Spikepit podkast

D&D - Fantasy Adventure Game or Role Playing Game? (R)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Part 2 of the conversation between Frank Turfler, of Frank T's Liner Notes, and myself. Where we discuss the topic, Fantasy Adventure Game or Role Playing Game? Please be warned that unfortunately the audio on my end is poor during this interview. This podcast originally aired as episode 088, Jan 13 2019.

Part 1 can be found here on Frank's Podcast https://open.spotify.com/episode/03cW2MrHTirrtrpicx6Cw4?si=4y18pvDuSqGXpeI8gERW3w

If you have any  comments, questions or concerns regarding this episode, please contact me, Colin Green, [email protected]. If you would like to support my efforts, please consider joining the rest of the Pit Crew at https://www.patreon.com/spikepit  #CreativeMinds,#ttrpg,#dnd,#ttrpgpodcast,#roleplayinggame,#roleplayinggames,#dndpodcast,#dnd5e,#dnddm,#spikepitpodcast

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