Sleep Space from Astrum podkast

#028 Why this Solution to the Fermi Paradox Is Terrifying

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Join with me today as we see what we should do when approaching the search for alien life. Because depending on the answer to this question, we have some vitally significant choices ahead of us as a species. And seeing as this is a question that scientists and political leaders are not yet considering seriously, let’s have a go at it on this platform.

Welcome to the Astrum Sleep Space podcast; the perfect place to come and wind down for the evening while you learn more about the grandeur of the universe.
I’m Alex McColgan, the founder of the Astrum brand, and your host on this podcast. Come and listen as I tell you about incredible missions, fascinating discoveries, and everything I’ve come to love about space.

If you like what you’re listening to, be sure to check out my YouTube channel at for more great space content.

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