Simple Stories in Chinese podkast

8. Cinderella - 灰姑娘 Huī gū Niáng

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Welcome back to Episode 8,  the last episode of season one. 

Thank you for being here with me!

Today, we're delving into the enchanting world of Cinderella - 灰姑娘 Huī gū Niáng(direct translation: dusty girl, because she is always covered by dust.

This story is one of resilience, kindness, and the belief that dreams can come true. It's a tale that reminds us to never give up hope, no matter the challenges we face.


In this podcast, we will learn one of the most used versatile - 就jiù, and very confusing words like 为wèi and 让ràng, also some useful structures to boost your Chinese speaking.

you can check out the video on my ⁠YouTube channel ⁠too.

You can find the full transcript for this episode here:

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