Ron Paul Homeschooling Podcast podkast

Make Your Summer Count: Announcing the Ron Paul Summer School Program

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Announcing the Ron Paul Summer School Program

Make the most of your Summer Vacation

  • Students get to learn a new subject or get caught up in a more challenging subject
  • Each course is 180 lessons normally spread out over a school year. Take 2 or 3 lessons per day and complete a course in the Summer
  • Each course includes video lectures which to the teaching. Mom still gets her Summer break. Students don't get bored.
  • Writing assignments help students retain knowledge and develop writing skills
  • Family membership in Ron Paul Curriculum is normally $250 per year. Summer program is $40 for 90 days
  • Each course is $50 per student. No textbooks to buy. PDF downloads.
  • Academic Boot Camp course teaches speed reading, study skills and test taking. Free for all members. Great course to take before entering high school.

The special Summer School offer has expired.

Get the details about the Ron Paul Curriculum courses here:

For show notes on this episode go to


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