Revolution Comes to the Podcast podkast

Sniper & AK-47 Republic

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Exploring the Appendix N of the roleplaying game Revolution Comes to the Kingdom. This episode is about the 1993 film Sniper and the miniatures wargame AK-47 Republic

Since the time of recording, I have watched a further Sniper sequel – Sniper: Assassin's End, Berenger-yes, Zane-no installment of the series. It is, rated on a scale of one to ten, fine.

I have also figured out how to buy a proper PDF of AK-47 Republic, and done so. 


My "Films that are better than you would think" list

PDF ordering page on the website of Peter Pig, publisher of AK-47 Republic: 

Siskel & Ebert's review of Sniper (the relevant segment starts at 11m06s):

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