Paul's Security Weekly (Audio) podkast

Effective Operational Outcomes - Ken Dunham - PSW #847

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

New security and vulnerability research is published every day. How can security teams get ahead of the curve and build architecture to combat modern threats and threat actors? Tune-in to a lively discussion about the threat landscape and tips on how to stay ahead of the curve.

Segment Resources:

Air gaps are still not air gapped, making old exploits new again, chaining exploits for full compromise, patching is overrated, SBOMs are overrated, VPNs are overrated, getting root with a cigarette lighter, you can be any user you want to be, in-memory Linux malware, the Internet Archive is back, we still don't know who created Bitcoin, unhackable phones, and There's No Security Backdoor That's Only For The "Good Guys" !

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Show Notes:

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