Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

U.S.-based “master diamond cutter” Maarten de Witte joins Paul to discuss an array of industry topics. The episode begins with Maarten explaining what it’s like being an independent diamond manufacturer in American given that the large majority of this work is now done in India and China. Next, the two discuss the process of creating a proprietary diamond cut and Maarten tells the story of Hearts on Fire’s success. They then analyze the state of the lab-grown diamond market and share thoughts on how the larger diamond industry should approach marketing and branding. Finally, Maarten talks a little bit about living in Boise, Idaho, and his bonsai tree hobby.


Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

Guest: Maarten de Witte

Guest plug: www.americandiamondcutter.com

More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products


Show contact: [email protected] or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.


Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

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