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Netflix troubles for Meghan while royals jostle over Adelaide Cottage

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‘Her celebrity is fading!’ Royal expert says Meghan’s Netflix dramas signal fall from grace for the ‘woke warrior Queen’ – we discuss the latest royal stories in our unrivalled royal talk show

Netflix’s decision to ditch Meghan’s animation Pearl before it was even made shows that the duchess’ star power is waning, according to one royal expert.

Andrew Pierce, consultant editor of the Daily Mail, tells Palace Confidential that the streaming giant is working out that the royal pair ‘are not the investment they thought they were’.

‘What does it say about the fall from grace of Meghan? This contract is not even two years old and they’ve realised already that her celebrity is fading in the United States… I think Netflix are working out that they are not the investment they thought they were,’ he says. ‘[Pearl] was very important to Meghan herself who’s the great woke warrior Queen – it’s a real blow to her prestige and ego.’

The cancellation of Pearl could also spell bad news for the rest of the royals, argues the Daily Mail’s diary editor Richard Eden.

‘What’s so significant and what’s frankly worrying is that the only projects that will get the green light from Netflix now will be very personal ones about the Royal Family,’ he says. ‘That puts them in an awkward position because I don’t think they wanted to do that and certainly it will make people nervous back at Buckingham Palace.’

Meanwhile the paper’s royal editor Rebecca English brings an update on the latest jostling over who gets which grand residences. While the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are reported to be keen to move to Adelaide Cottage in Windsor, they could find themselves gazumping Prince Andrew.

‘I’ve been told by contacts that could be a little bit tricky because Prince Andrew has actually always had his eye on that property, it’s been used as a grace-and-favour home for royal staff and distant relatives for many years. He’d rather hoped one of his children, particularly Princess Eugenie, might able to move into it.

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