The Early Music Podcast podkast

5. MA Festival Brugge: the new approach | Jan Van den Borre

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In this episode, Jan Van den Borre, artistic director of MA Festival Brugge, presents his approach to programming one of the oldest early music festivals in the world. We talk about communication, mediation and engagement of the audience, the importance of empathy and respect in relationships with artists, and the challenges raised by today's genre definitions.


guest Jan Van den Borre, MAfestival Brugge

interview & editing Darina Ablogina

production REMA

design Doretta Rinaldi



performed by Pitou and B.O.X.


"Leçons de ténèbres pour le Mercredi saint", François Couperin

performed by Capriola di Gioia, conducted by Bart Naessens


"Don Quichotte chez la Duchesse", Joseph Bodin de Boismortier

performed by Le Concert Spirituel, conducted by Hervé Niquet


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