Oh My Allergies! - Your Allergy Resource podkast

Is It Possible to be Allergic to Pumpkin? Maybe Pumpkin Spice Isn't Always Nice....

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Welcome back to the Oh My Allergies! Podcast. Fall is officially upon us! One of the first foods you think about when you think of fall is pumpkins. When October hits, pumpkins are EVERYWHERE. Pumpkin spice coffee, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin spice cookies, etc., but what if we told you that pumpkin isn’t always nice? Today’s episode is all about pumpkins, the teal pumpkin project, and whether or not you can actually be allergic to the fall favorite, pumpkins. Pumpkin spice may or may not always be nice....or is it?

We discuss:

  • What are pumpkins?
  • What are pumpkin seeds? 
  • Is it possible to be allergic to pumpkin and/or pumpkin seeds? 
  • Is pumpkin related to ragweed? 


Tune in to learn more about pumpkins, the role cross-reactivity can play when it comes to allergies, and how pumpkins and cucumbers are actually related in a weird way. 

Allergy News Article: Why Some Homes Are Displaying Teal Halloween Pumpkins - https://cutt.ly/uNuqtJ2 

Additional Resources:

Teal Pumpkin Project - https://cutt.ly/ENuvvIz 

What is a Ragweed Allergy? Episode - https://cutt.ly/FV4JZdV

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