Native Plants, Healthy Planet podkast

The Buzz - Keep Your Cats Indoor

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Hosts Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick are back with a brand new episode of The Buzz.  “That’s Hot” picks a number and takes and interesting turn.  “This or That” has Tom and Fran trying not to press the panic button and find some good and make some sense.  “Take it of Leaf it” asks what kind of steward you are.  Did we give you a shoutout this week?  Grow Read a Book takes to the mountains!  Listen to the end of the episode for a fancy secret.  Intro music by RJ Comer, Outro music by Dave Bennett.

That’s Hot – Fran’s Plant / Tom’s Plant

Read Fran’s Article / Read Tom’s Article

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