MSL Talk podkast

231. Leveraging Real-World Evidence (RWE) in MSL Activities

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

This week's guest is Elizabeth Pash, Medical Affairs Executive Leader who shares insights on how to leverage real-world evidence (RWE) in MSL activities.


This episode is sponsored by MSL Mastery, helping Medical Science Liaisons and aspiring MSLs to excel in their careers and lives through courses, coaching, and community. For more details, please visit MSLmastery (dot) com.


In this episode, Beth discusses…

 What is Real World Evidence and how it is different from Clinical Trial Data

 How MSLs can effectively incorporate RWE into their discussions with healthcare professionals and key opinion leaders (KOLs)

 Challenges MSLs typically face when presenting RWE to stakeholders, and how can they overcome them

 Ways RWE can be used to enhance the strategic value of MSL activities

 Key skills MSLs need to develop in order to effectively understand and communicate RWE to diverse audiences


The MSL Talk Podcast is available on all podcast platforms and the MSL Talk YouTube Channel. 


MSL Talk is a podcast that features helpful information for current Medical Science Liaisons, Medical Affairs leaders, job seekers looking to break into the pharmaceutical industry in their first MSL role as well as anyone interested in hearing good industry conversations and medical affairs discussions.


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