Megadeals Podcast podkast

Qnect's game-changing approach to steel construction

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
In this episode of the Megadeals podcast, host Bora Brännström and guest Jef Sharp, CEO of Qnect, dive into the revolutionary changes Qnect brings to steel construction. By integrating advanced technology, Qnect is transforming an industry historically plagued with delays and overruns. Their platform, leveraging cloud computing, automation, and optimization, streamlines collaboration across all construction stakeholders, reducing time, costs, and environmental impact. Qnect's patented software automates up to 80% of steel connections, allowing for significant savings and enabling engineers to concentrate on critical project aspects. Join us to explore how Qnect is shaping the future of green construction.

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