Lose the Plot with Carla and Emily podkast

How My Neighbour Stole Christmas - by Meghan Quinn

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

It's already time for our special Christmas episode! Cole Black is an incel-y emo boy-man who has a grudge against Storee - a city girl just looking for a break after her relo ended -- unfortunately it came in the form of her great-Aunt Cindy breaking her hip! Now Storee and her twin sister have to travel back to their home-town that is Christmas OBSESSED! It is now her mission to redeem herself to the town who rejected her and the boy-man who judges her every move, will she be able to pull it off? We don't really care, but it was sure fun to talk about!

WARNING: This podcast contains discussions about adult topics and includes explicit language. Listener discretion is advised. Lose the Plot with Carla and Emily is for entertainment purposes only. The opinions expressed by the participants are solely for comedic effect.

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