Let's practice feminine energy podkast

7. Welcoming Summer Ritual

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

The Summer Solstice, on June 21st, is the day that marks the beginning of Summer and celebrates the longest day of the year, and the shortest night. In Pagan times, the Summer Solstice was referred to as Litha and rituals were conducted to honor the Sun gods, the Divine Light and the element of fire.

How can we celebrate and pay tribute to the sun today? Spend time in Nature, play outdoors, take a sun bath, go for a hike, watch the sunrise and the sunset, and light a bonfire. This is a time of expansion so spend time with your loved ones, feel gratitude for all you have in your life.

You are alive and you are SHINING!

I will guide you in a small ritual to connect with your inner fire and set an intention for this time.

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