LET IT OUT podkast

best lesson on love? 💗

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

"What's your greatest lesson on romantic relationships?" is a question I've asked in most every episode. This week, with the help of a few favorite guests, I attempt to answer it. It's the first time in 12 years that I've ever done a brief episode... brevity is not my strong suit so don't get used to it... but I hope you like it! It features: Kristin Hanggi, Cody Cook-Parrott, Robyn Kanner, Rachelle Robinett, Jessica Ciencin Henriquez, Mari Andrew, Jon Marro, Neada Deters, and Yoke Lore. Let me know if you listen : )

Show Notes:

- Breakups Kits !!  + +  physical zine version! a la cart here or come to the relaunch event in LA EVENT (!!!) at NOTO  on 2/27! RSVP here.

- My Substack- IG: @letitouttt + @katiedalebout

- My Creative Clinic: book a call with me here

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